The aim of the World Huguenot
Center which was created in 1915 is to make known French Protestantism
in protestant circles throughout the world. It creates networks
for Protestants of all other countries with French Protestants
and participates in the life of protestant committees and churches
of the Refuge countries. It has close ties with Huguenot groups
in Australia, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Germany, Ireland, the
Netherlands, New Zealand, Poland, South Africa, Sweden, Switzerland,
the United Kingdom, and the USA.
It organizes in France triannual international meetings of huguenot
descendants, each time in a different region linked with Protestantism.
The previous International Meetings of Huguenot Descendants took
place in the Cévennes, La Rochelle, Fontainebleau and Châtillon-Coligny,
Strasbourg, Rouen, Grenoble and Dauphiné, Paris and Touraine,
Nîmes and the Cévennes, Agen, Poitiers, Mulhouse,
Brittany, Alès and the Cévennes, Dieppe and North
Normandy. The next one will take place on the path of Calvin in
Paris and other places, in September 2009.
It aims at offering linguistic exchanges in family environment
for young people between France, the U.K., USA and Germany, and
possibly other countries.
It publishes twice a year « La lettre » which presents
the activities of Huguenot associations all around the world.
The « MESSAGER HUGUENOT », an illustrated brochure,
report of each international meeting, is sent to all members.
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